Irebica Electrical (T/A Iberica Electrical) has been appointed as Dingol Alternators Service Partner in the Western Cape. Iberica is proud to be recognized by one of the largest manufacturers of backup AC generators in China and looks forward to working together. Iberica was awarded this honor in March 2020.
Author: Iberica Electrical
WEG Authorized Repair Shop
Irebica Electrical (T/A Iberica Electrical) has been appointed as a WEG Authorized Repair Shop in the Western Cape. Iberica is proud to be recognized by one of the largest International electric motor manufacturers and looks forward to working alongside this giant in the motor industry. Iberica was awarded this honor in September 2021.
Repairs on MV Polar Duchess
Repairs were carried out onboard the vessel. One of the compressor motors burnt out and due to time restraints, a new motor was fitted and the original one rewired by Iberica. The feedback given by the Technical Superintendent was as follows:
“Many thanks again please be assured your company has been recommended to superintendents within GC Rieber. “Very professional & diligent work expedited by people with knowledge, skills & experience required. Our conversation & visit to your workshop gave me confidence that we had chosen the right company to complete the scope of work required on this critical piece of equipment…
Voltage regulators
Iberica Electrical now offers various brands of AVR units, namely:
Caterpillar; Leroy Somer; Mecc Alte Spa; Marelli; Siemens; Stamford; Markon; Roper; A. van Kaick; Marathon; Powerworld.
Distributors of Alternator spares
Iberica has been recognised as a distributor of various alternator spare components, such as:
Voltage regulators; rotating diode assemblies; PMG units; current transformers; insulated transformers; etc.
MV Boundary – Fire damages
A fire broke out in the engine room on board the container vessel (October 2010). The crew managed to contain the fire while out at sea. The fire damages were excessive as most of the control and main cables were destroyed. The electrical repairs that were carried out over the next few months were carried out by Iberica Electrical. The cables had to be traced as no electrical drawings were available. All the marine cables were replaced, from one end to the other. The repairs were completed within the specified period and without any faults.